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Break free from vendor lock-in with open source tech

Vendor lock-in is the unpleasant situation many organizations find themselves in when they realize they’ve become dependent on a single vendor for most, if not all, of their tech needs.

This dependence can be caused by a variety of factors; proprietary software, proprietary standards, or other issues that make it difficult, costly or impossible to switch to another vendor.

Vendor lock-in severely limits an organization’s ability to respond to changes in the market, adopt new technologies, and negotiate better deals with vendors.

That’s why it’s so important to create, as much as possible, a flexible technology stack that gives you a competitive advantage, by leveraging the latest technologies, scaling quickly, and reducing costs.

And, as you probably guessed from the title of this article, we believe that advantage comes from open-source technology.

By the end of this blog, we’ll have given you some insights into avoiding vendor lock-in (with an obvious focus on open-source solutions), to better ensure the flexibility of your modern-tech-stack.

Vendor lock-in: Dependence on a single vendor

When a company becomes dependent on a single vendor for all of its tech needs, it limits its own abilities to adapt quickly.

That dependence, (and we can’t stress this enough), also makes you incredibly vulnerable to a vendor’s decisions and whims, such as price increases or discontinuation of services or products.

Not just that however, it will also leave you with a single point of failure, which can have critical consequences or your future if the vendor goes out of business or experiences a disruption.

Take your own company as an example… can you think of any proprietary software that you’ve invested heavily in? It’s going to be difficult or costly to switch to a different software that’s more suitable for your needs leaving you stuck with an outdated technology that’s no longer fit for purpose.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop there, vendor lock-in can also result in increased costs for upgrades and maintenance as proprietary software often requires regular upgrades, which usually cost.

The benefits of an open-source solution

One of the biggest benefits of open-source solutions are their cost-effectiveness.

Open-source typically means free to use and won’t require licensing fees.

This obviously results in instant savings for an organization, especially in comparison to proprietary software that can be expensive to purchase and maintain.

The biggest benefit however, has to be the fact that open-source solutions are built on open standards, meaning they can be customized and innovated upon.

This allows organizations to tailor the solutions to their specific needs and requirements. Additionally, the open-source community, which is made up of developers and users from around the world, continuously improve and innovate upon said solution, giving companies access to the latest features and capabilities as well as documentation, forums, and tutorials, which can be extremely helpful for companies that are new to a particular piece of tech.

This can be particularly beneficial to companies wanting to add a new feature to their tech-stack without having to develop it from scratch.

Avoiding vendor lock-in with open-source solutions

When looking to avoid vendor lock-in, it’s essential to first evaluate all the different open-source options available to you.

That includes researching and comparing different solutions to determine which one is the best fit for your company’s needs. This will likely involve looking at factors such as the solution’s features, scalability, security and the size and activity level of the solution’s community.

After that, you’ll need to decide if you have the resources to build in-house capabilities internally as this will involve investing in resources such as personnel and training.
You might also want to look at developing a strategy for building your company’s own open-source solution (s), which will give you a lot more control over your technology stack and reduce dependence on vendors.

Prioritizing open-source alternatives

If you are struggling with vendor lock-in, an often adopted strategy is to prioritize open-source alternatives over proprietary solutions as they reach end of contract or end of life.

This might include reviewing your current tech-stack and identifying areas where open-source alternatives can be used to replace proprietary solutions. However it should also involve setting up a process for evaluating open-source alternatives when new technologies are being considered.

By prioritizing these, you can massively reduce dependence on vendors going forward and ensure you have the flexibility to switch to better technologies as they appear.

Assess current vendor dependencies

The best way to implement the most flexibility in your technology stack with open-source tech is to be aware of all your current vendor dependencies.

The best way to do that is to create an inventory of all the vendors that your company is currently dependent on, along with the technologies and services they provide. This will provide a clear picture of where your company is most exposed to vendor lock-in and where open-source alternatives can best be (and most quickly) implemented.

Once you’ve done that, you can then identify potential areas of vendor lock-in such as areas where proprietary solutions are currently being used or where your company has a high degree of dependence on a single vendor.

Identifying these areas will prioritize where to focus efforts on implementing open-source alternatives.

After you’ve identified as many potential areas of vendor lock-in as possible, you can then begin to develop a plan for adopting open-source alternatives and up your building in-house capabilities.

This might include setting realistic goals and objectives for the adoption of open-source solutions, outlining the steps that need to be taken, and identifying the resources that will be needed.

The plan also has to include a timeline for when it will all be implemented and when in-house capabilities will be built. This will help to ensure that you remain on track to achieving the goal of a beautiful, licensing fee free, open-source organization.

In summary:

  • Diversify your tech stack,

  • Strongly consider open-source alternatives,

  • Build up your in-house capabilities,

  • Stay informed about exciting, new open-source technologies

If an open source approach to your data management is something that you think might help you (and save you money) then DoubleCloud are always to have a chat with you to see where we can help.

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