Life @ DoubleCloud as a transfer lead
Hi, my name’s Andrei and I’m a Transfer Lead here at DoubleCloud. That means I helped build and improve DoubleCloud’s Transfer service that our clients use to aggregate, collect and migrate their data from different sources.
Hi, my name’s Andrei and I’m a Transfer Lead here at DoubleCloud. That means I helped build and improve DoubleCloud’s Transfer service that our clients use to aggregate, collect and migrate their data from different sources. I’m also pretty proud that we made it cloud agnostic!
I’ve been here longer than nearly anyone else I think, starting way back in the January of ‘21. In fact, back when I started there was no onboarding to speak of. Just a few of us with our laptops, speccing out the awesome product that would become DoubleCloud.
Before I joined Doublecloud I was CTO (and occasionally the only techie lol) of another start-up that was building a product designed to disrupt the bus transit sector in Belarus. It must have been a good product as eventually it was acquired by a huge corporation and I went looking for a new challenge.
You may be wondering why it seems like I keep joining start-ups?
There’s just something utterly fascinating to me about building something from the ground-up, creating something completely new and reaching for that horizon.
I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.
In fact, that’s one of the things that I love most about Doublecloud. The people are important (in fact all of my colleagues are awesome) but that seems like too easy an answer.
I like to work somewhere where people share the same values as me, where they love to actually be able to affect a new product, touch it, get involved with the code and shape the direction the company takes.
I probably shouldn’t say this but outside of work I’m pretty lazy!
At work I need to be really productive and organized so when it’s time to relax I like to do as little as possible.
I’m currently learning German and I do like to box a little to let off steam. I can also be found on occasion enjoying the odd museum but mostly I just like to relax and play video games.
However… in my defense, I class playing video games in my head as being productive, which can get confusing if I want to be lazy. It means I do sometimes buy a game and then never get around to playing it!
Something I think that would surprise my colleagues about myself is that I don’t have a driving license but I do have a tractor driving license.
And yes there is a story behind that but it’s one for another day.
Finally, to round this all off, the people in marketing thought it’d be fun to ask if I was arranging a dinner party, and could invite any three celebrities (alive or dead) who it would be and why?
After some careful thought I decided to choose Ryan Gosling and Ryan Reynolds so we could debate who the ‘best’ Ryan is and why. I’d also invite Hugh Jackman to help me meditate and keep the other two on track.
I think that would actually be a really funny evening!
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